Monday, March 23, 2009

Future Plans

I'm finding this rather funny, this entire "writing something about yourself" thing, but I'm going with it anyways!
I have just recently made some leaps and bounds towards my future. A future that I'm sure is in God's hands. I am so loved by my Savior.
I am going into Professional Bridal Consulting and other event planning, I am so excited! The Lord opened some pretty big doors for me, and right now I'm at the pinnacle of a mountain, basking in His love and adoration.
I will be starting a Distance Education Course within a week or two and start diving in. This path is right where I want to be. God is good!


  1. It is weird at first, but after a while it gets kinda fun!

  2. Okay girly, I have updated my blog, now it is your turn! Don't let this beautiful page go to waste.

    I'm waiting...
